This was a very interesting article
I read this and some I already knew (lots of experience) but some was surprising. I might have to read the book.
The Married Male Mind
A new book on American husbands reveals the reasons they get married, why they stay married and how housework is directly related to their sexual satisfaction.
The Married Male Mind
A new book on American husbands reveals the reasons they get married, why they stay married and how housework is directly related to their sexual satisfaction.
what is a boom? I'm confused.
Suzette, at 7:07 PM
I didn't get much out of my father's relationship with his wives aside from this one rule: don't blame your wife for ruining Thanksgiving after the gizzards fall on the floor due to your leaving them precariously perched on the top of the refrigerator. If I coulod write a book about that I would.
Gary Brownlee, at 10:56 AM
"Avoiding the Gizzard Trap : or how to save a marriage"
By Gary Brownlee
Suzette, at 1:42 PM
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