This is cool
Try this. Go to the site and put in your street address and look at the satellite image. Or the hybrid. My address you can zoom way in. It's really neat.
This one is good too. We were able to zoom in so close we could almost see in our kitchen window!
Gary Brownlee, at 9:17 PM
It's amazing, i stuck my hand out the window and zoomed in on it!!!!!!
spork360, at 11:08 AM
LOL, the kids and I have been doing this for about a year... Anna makes me zoom in on us then "drive" us down the road to places. We were even able to zoom in on Bayji where Mike was. The pictures are all a few years old so not like it is picking up anything you shouldn't see.
Bridget, at 11:33 AM
I tried it but it was an old picture with just my street and no houses.
I put Franks address in and I think I saw him doing the wild thing on the lawn.
Lori, at 8:40 PM
I tried it, but it doesn't do it right for me. I shows that my address is across the street and down a mile or so.
Liddia, at 8:58 PM
It won't zoom in on anywhere Nick and lived in Ohio. I think thats because the government is watching me and doesn't want me to know it.
Robin, at 1:58 AM
Riiiiiggggtttt, either that or the alien's ship was in the way, Robin.
Suzette, at 9:42 AM
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