How freakin' kooky are people?!?

This cover to baby talk has people in an uproar. I watch rapes and beating regularly on the crime shows I watch. And THIS is what people are disgusted by? What a bunch of f***in' loons. Here's the link for the article.
Well, I have an opinion on this. I don't think it is something that should be hanging out in a store. You CHOOSE to watch those crime shows and see those kinds of things. You are not forced to see them while you are standing in the check out line. I don't think there is anything wrong with breastfeeding, but I don't want to see someone doing it.
Liddia, at 6:20 PM
Sure, but then I shouldn't have to see YOU eating either. That's just as bad. Baby eating, you eating. Both equal and necessary. People should just quit eating in public and restaurants should be outlawed. Oh, and women should not be allowed to have breasts. We should begin removing them at birth because they are obscene. I"m on your side Liddia. Power to the prudes!
Suzette, at 2:52 PM
Sorry but I agree with Liddia, I think it should be done a little more modestly. And I breast fed all of my kids
KSR, at 8:23 AM
I disagree; it's a magazine for mother's of babies. I think all those movie magazines and tv shows that bare breasts for sexuality and sensationalism is much more objectionable.
Sandi Shaw, at 9:05 AM
besides, what can you see? You wouldn't even be able to tell it was a breast. It's all skin. And I honestly don't understand the hangups on human bodies. Why is it so awful for people to see what every one of us has? Nothing dirty. Nobody is going to grow hair on their palms or go blind. What's the big deal anyway?
Suzette, at 11:32 PM
I agree with Suzette, I looked at the picture and thought what a cute baby then I read the link. I'll bet if there was some guy haning of her breast no one would say anything.
Lori, at 7:39 PM
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