He actually did a pretty good job. He really tried and had a nice little pile of snow off to the side of the drive. There is hope for him yet. Hey Matt, maybe you can stop by and PJ can give you some pointers. (just kidding, mostly). Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
No if you need help, I'll come by and shovel the snow for you. Let me know when. I planned on calling today but I had to work every day this week and since its thanksgiving and marcs is having a huge milk sale, Ive had to go in early and stay late. Plus I did carts in the blizzard conditions without a winter jacket or gloves. Not my idea of fun.
Matt, at 12:51 AM
We're okay, but thanks for offering. Make sure you call and say Hi every now and then. The boys ask about you.
Suzette, at 2:17 AM
all we get is rain....my backyard is a lake, literally.... i could take a boat from one half of the property to the other...if it freezes I'll have a skating rink about 40 feet by 50 feet and about 1 to 2 feet deep.
We just bought a truck to drive from one end to the other. it was literally a steal...
spork360, at 3:11 AM
I thought matt wasn't working at that marcs anymore? Also I give up trying to get into the photo albums, I have put in the password and it just won't take it.
Liddia, at 9:41 AM
which password for which album? Grandmas Brownlee's first name, the one she claimed not the one on her birth certificate, for the family albums and Nicks job title for the other. They work. Everyone else got in.
Suzette, at 10:01 AM
Wow! I saw on the news that the Cleveland area had gotten a lot of snow. Are there any good hills where you guys live for sled riding?
Gary Brownlee, at 12:51 PM
Actually yes, there are. We'll hit them soon when the snow falls and stays again.
Suzette, at 9:10 PM
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